Thursday, May 19, 2011

Golden Trout

Summer is right around the corner and for most Icast fishing anglers that means it is time to once again start searching for the Golden trout. The state fish of California, fishing enthusiasts have loved catching the Golden trout, as it has a beautiful glow to it. What’s more, the top of the Golden trout sees the fish with an olive black that blends into a crimson radiance that compliments its gold belly. Here is a guide on the Golden trout.

As fly anglers looking for a new challenge, you won’t be disappointed when you catch a Golden trout. These California bred trout, are a feisty bunch, and when you do catch one, you’ll be surprised at how big they actually are. On average, the Golden trout ranges from 10 – 12 inches and can weigh as much as nine pounds.

Where To Fish For The Golden Trout – For the most part, the Golden trout can be found in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. However, be aware, that it is easier to point out where the rivers associated with the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range are located, then actually travelling to them. Essentially, you can expect to either hike to the river or horseback, as driving your car or truck, simply isn’t a possibility. The air is also pretty thin, as the higher up the mountains you travel to the golden trout streams, the higher the elevation.

We should point, that only the most finicky fly fish anglers travel to the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, as you can find hybrid forms of the Golden trout all over the country. The hybrid versions of the Golden trout are located in high mountain lakes, such as the Utah high Uinta Mountain’s, Wyoming Wind River Range, and the Western Montana River.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fishing For Sea Trout

Sea trout are recognized for their predictable habits. One of the best and most well known of these habits is their tendency to linger in the same places year after year. This means that if you happen to catch one in one particular area, you will likely find more sea trout in the same place on that same tide again after again. With habits like these, it should be pretty easy to catch some fish as long as you know what you are looking for.

While the places that these fish linger will be different depending on which country or state you are doing your fishing in, the good thing is that their patterns will still always be the same. Whether you are fishing off the flats of Texas or in an oyster creek located in Georgia, sea trout will hold true to their routines so pay attention to what the circumstances were when you caught your first catch of the day so that you can repeat it.

Changes in the time of day, moon and tide are all important factors. If you happen to catch your trout when the tide is moving out or three full days before there is a full moon, then chances are that you are safe to assume that the next time those conditions are the same the following month, you will find more fish.

Most anglers will not argue that the majority of fish are opportunistic feeders and hunters. This means that these fish will usually sit, waiting for their food to happen on by them. They are also extremely territorial creatures as is usually the case with many bottom feeders. Sea trout however, are more of the hunting variety of fish. This means that they will actively seek out their prey.

And so I developed my theory of locating a secret seat rout hideaway. All you have to do is first identify the school of baitfish and determine what direction they are moving in. That is all you have to do. However, keeping your prime fishing spot a secret is a difficult task as other boaters and anglers will soon witness your success. This is why it is important to carefully log your fishing conditions on that day that you find the sea trout. The fish that hang on will return to that same exact location without the other anglers realizing this. The secret is now yours to keep and to remember for the next time those fishing conditions are the same.

For more info and advice on fishing tackle you can check out the 2011 Icast show.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Search for Tailing Redfish

Many anglers mistakenly believe that they have never seen a tailing redfish before. The truth is, this is something they very likely have witnessed before and just not realized it at the moment.

Redfish are usually located in places where the water is going to be a bit shallower than normal. Usually, this is on a tide that is either incoming or outgoing.

If you are determined to do your fishing in a certain place and find that you are fairing rather well in that area, always try to remember that specific location as redfish tend to prefer. The next time you plan to fish, it is extremely possible that the redfish will also be returning to this spot year after year as well.

The redfish mouth is shaped perfectly for feeding on the floors of the ocean. It’s large and rather blunt snout sticks out beyond the mouth. If you were to watch as one of these fish are feeding just underneath the waves, it would be rather entertaining to see it push along its nose through the sand and silt as it searches for food. Sometimes the redfish will be so intent on searching the floor of the water that they end up in a completely vertical position. This is when their tails can be seen as they stick out from the water’s surface. As you can imagine, this is how the term “tailing” was coined.

If you are about to cast your lure in the hopes of getting a tailing redfish to take it, you must first closely observe in what direction you suspect the fish are essentially headed. If you happen to cast your bait and it lands behind them, chances are you won’t get much of a reaction. If you happen to spot a tailing redfish, it is likely that there are many more in the vicinity since they travel in schools. Try to notice these fish as well as where they are facing can be a clue to where they are headed. Now, cast your lure.

You can cast nearly any small bait or fishing tackle into the path of these fish and they will gladly take you up on your offer extremely quickly. As these fish travel along the ocean’s floor, the prey that they are stalking also moves out of their way. Because of this, they will strike with ferocity at almost anything that catches their eye. If they determine that what they caught is not something they want to eat, they will simply spit it back out.

On days when you are unable to make it out to the water, try out some great online fishing games to keep yourself entertained and your skills sharp.