If you are contemplating setting out by yourself on your very own deep sea fishing adventure instead of opting to go with a chartering company, you have your work cut out for you. Obtaining the appropriate license for the proper areas you intend to fish is, of course, the first step. But what else do you need to know in order to ensure a safe and successful deep sea fishing excursion?
Before setting out, you must always be monitoring not only the schedule of the tide but the forecasted weather as well. Setting out into the ocean and being caught off guard with massive waves and rough weather is not something that is recommended, particularly for an amateur angler attempting deep sea fishing on his own.
Be sure that you understand some basic behavioral information pertaining to the species of fish that you are going to be going after on your trip. This can help you to better determine which kind of fishing tackle you will need to have on hand in addition to which kind of bait will be the option.
Know where your fish prefer to take shelter or travel to. Knowing this can also help when it comes to lure or bait selection as well. If you happen to be fishing in the vicinity of a reef, trolling the outer edges of this structure is likely where you will come across some rather large fish as they feed on the smaller fish that call the reef their home.
It is always a good idea to dedicate time to learning how and practicing tying your knots. This is imperative as a poorly tied knot can easily result in the loss of your fish.
In addition to being exposed to the sun, you may also run the risk of becoming sick die to sea sickness. Even if you suspect neither of these will be a problem for you, being prepared with both sunblock, over the counter pain killers, and some motion sickness medication. However, if you find that you are nauseous, one of the best deep sea fishing tips is to focus out as far as you can at the horizon while keeping away from and exhaust fumes or strong odors. This will likely help you to regain your composure. Many times, anglers will actually take their motion sickness medication before even setting foot onto the boat. This way, buy the time you are on the water, it has had time to take effect.
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