Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All About Line: What To Use When

Many years ago there was only one type of fishing line, monofilament. Today there are many different types of fishing line. In fact, there are so many types and combinations it can be very confusing. Here is some information that will help clear up some of the confusion so you will know what type of line to use and when to use it.

The old standard fishing line, monofilament, is good to use for crappie, sunfish, bluegill and brook trout. These small fish are not extremely hard on line and won’t stretch it out when you set the hook. These fish also live in areas where you don’t have to worry about line abrasion.

If you fish for bigger, harder fighting fish you may want to consider fluorocarbon line. Fluorocarbon line is a very strong line and won’t stretch. It also resists abrasion so if you’re bass fishing or musky fishing their teeth won’t hurt the line. Fluorocarbon line is also almost invisible in water. If the fish are line shy this is the perfect type of line to use.

Another very strong fishing line is the blended copolymer line. This line is very strong and thin and is extremely sensitive. If you are fishing for a big heavy catfish or carp this may be the line to use. Copolymer is actually a code name for nylon line. The down side of this line is that it stretches and will need to be replaced more often.

A blend of fluorocarbon and copolymer combined makes the better of these two types of line. It is an ultra thick line with a center of copolymer and then coated with fluorocarbon so it is strong and will resist abrasion and also is invisible. This line is great for bass fishing and striper fishing.

Fishing for trophy requires super strong line. They make a braided line that uses copolymer and fluorocarbons all braided together to increase the strength and durability of the line. This is the type of line you want to take to Florida fishing. Some of these lines are so think that a 200lb test braided line has the same diameter as a 50lb monofilament line.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ice Fishing For White Fish

One of the favorite winter pastimes in the northern regions is fishing for white fish. During the winter these great tasting fish are exceptionally fun and fairly easy to catch from the northern frozen lakes. Here are some suggestions on how to catch a mess of these fish for supper.

This time of year the northern lakes are frozen solid with several feet of ice. It is highly recommended to use a power ice auger to drill through the ice. If you have four feet of ice to go through using a hand crank ice auger it will take you at least an hour or more to bore through. By the time you strike water you’ll be ready for a nap, not a fishing adventure. Using a power arguer lets you drill through four feet of ice almost effortlessly. You’re fishing in just a matter of minutes. If the local fishing regulations permit, you can drill several holes in an area and double or triple your chances to catch fish.

One you have your hole bored and the slush scooped out, you’re ready to fish. White fish like to feed on worms and fish eggs among other things. Worms are an easy bait to use for ice fishing. They won’t die in the cold, although they may not wiggle much either. Rigging the line with the hook on the bottom and the sinker about 10 inches above the hook works well. This keeps the worm on the bottom or very close to the bottom where the fish expect to find worms.

Using fish eggs for bait is also very effective. Since fish eggs are normally found on the bottom of the lake the same rig used for worms can be used. Normally fish eggs are found in singles or in groups of two or three eggs. Use a hook small enough that a cluster of three eggs will completely hide the hook. This means using a #10 hook or smaller.

If you are fishing from just one hole you can sit in front of the hole and watch it. Some prefer to hold the pole but in cold weather this doesn’t always work well. Some anglers like to use a bobber. They drop the line to the bottom of the lake and then clip the bobber to the line so it floats on the surface of the water. This works well, but requires constant monitoring so the bobber doesn’t freeze into the ice.

Another method is using a bell. They make a small bell that clips onto the tip of the rod. When a fish bites and moves the rod, the bell rings. This is effective when fishing two or more rods.

If you use these suggestions you should be able to catch your daily bag limit of fish without any problem. However, there still may some down time and playing fishing games is a perfect pastime.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Biggest Fish Ever Caught

One of the most interesting parts of fishing is telling stories of catching the biggest fish. However, the biggest fish depends on many different variables, which is what makes the fish story interesting. Here are six of the biggest fish ever caught.

Most of the really big fish found in the ocean are sharks. These great monsters of the sea are greatly feared because they will eat a person. One of the biggest sharks ever caught was a great white shark, caught in 1964 off the coast of Long Island, New York. This monster was 17 ½ feet long and weighted 4500 lbs.

Another huge shark, a tiger shark was caught off Australian coast. This monster was caught in 1958 and weighed 1422 lbs. It broke the previous record caught in 1939 also off the Australian coast that was 1382 lbs.

There are other sharks that grow to be absolutely gigantic but because they eat plankton they will only be caught when they get tangled in fishing nets. The biggest of these is the whale shark which is the size of a very large bus. Following closely behind it is the basking shark which is the sixe of a large Recreational Vehicle.

After the sharks there are several large fish. The blue marlin may be the largest of these. In 1967, off the Kona Hawaii, a large blue marlin was caught. It weight 1100 lbs, which tied the previous record set the year before.

For those who enjoy bass fishing, there was a huge black sea bass caught in 1956 off of San Clemente California. It weighed a whopping 514 lbs.

The pacific big eye tuna is another big fish. There was one caught in 1957 off the coast of Peru that weighed 435 lbs. It broke the previous record of 400 lbs set the year before.

Catching large fish and bragging about them is one of the most enjoyable fishing games, in fact, of all fishing games, except shark fishing games it may be the most fun.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Walleye Fishing

Fishing for walleye in the winter weather in open water or through the ice is a wonderful way to spend a day. Walleye remain active through the cold winter months, but their metabolism slows down. However, even with a slower metabolism they will fight and run.

If you are going to fish through the ice, make sure you use a strong ice fishing rod. A light weight rod may be broken by an aggressive walleye. The reel should also be sturdy and loaded with fresh monofilament line. Fishing through the ice requires the line to be clear so it’s invisible to the fish. Walleye, especially the bigger more experienced, can get line shy if they can see the line.

Walleye enjoy feeding on yellow perch. In the winter most the yellow perch they are looking for are small adult sizes. Be sure to use bait that imitates the correct size and color. If possible, use live yellow perch for bait. That insures having the right size and color. Using live bait also gives movement to the bait.

One of the hardest things for fishing for walleye is getting the bait to move in a natural way. Jigging works ok, but having live bait that swims around, moving naturally, is the best way to catch a walleye.

If it’s not possible to use live bait then using swim bait will work with some modifications. Take the swim bait and drill a small hole in the dorsal fin. Feed the line through the hole about six inches above the line. Tie the line securely through the hole. Take the end of the line and tie it through the normal attachment point and trim away the excess line. Now when you jig the swim bait it pivots up and down, more like a natural fish.

If the walleye don’t cooperate you can also play some fishing games. Walleye fishing games, out of all fishing games, are some of the most favorite of all the online fishing games.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bass Fishing Advice to Catch a Monster

Entering fishing contests are great fun and very challenging. Bass fishing contest are an exciting way to spend a day. However, if you want to have any chance of winning a contest you need to know how to catch a monster fish or two. Here is some advice that will help you find and catch a monster bass.

The world record large mouth bass was caught from Montgomery Lake, Georgia in 1932. It weighed 22 lbs. 4 oz. So this is the standard for a monster. There have only been a few fish over 20lbs caught.

Finding where a monster lives is the first order of business. You’ll find monsters living where the temperature of the water is in the lower 70’s most of the year. The low 70’s is the optimum for bass to grow.

The body of water will need to provide good cover and lots of food. Bass love to eat small bait fish and crawfish so a lake or pond that has lots of small fish and plenty of weedy bottoms of fallen logs will be an ideal place. It is also important that the lake or pod is not overfished. It will take several years for a bass to reach a monster size. If there is a lot of fishing pressure a bass won’t live long enough.

Once you find the perfect environment you must locate the fish. A good fishfinder will help make this an easy job. A fishfinder like the Hummingbird 1198c S1 Combo is great. It has a big screen with a full 180° view of the bottom so in shallow water you can see the terrain as well as the fish. It is a sensitive piece of equipment that will let you discern between large fish and small fish. It looks like you are playing online fishing games, which I guess you are, just in real-life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Late Fall Fly Fishing Trout Tips

In the late fall when the nights are cold and the leaves have fallen off the trees the fun begins for trout fly fishing. This time of year, the bugs are getting few and far between. But here are a few tips that will help you catch fish and have fun.

In the late fall the best trout fly fishing will be on streams and rivers. The water levels are generally low and the flow is slow. It is easy to see the holes, eddies and seams. This makes finding the fish easy. It is also helpful to make mental notes of the location of these items. It will come in handy in the spring when the water is high and fast and it’s hard to read the river. You might consider make your own fishing maps.

Trout this time of year are staying in the slow water to conserve energy. They find their food floating along in the faster water. The key is to find where the slow water meets the fast water. The fish will set in the slow water and grab food out of the faster water.

Most of their food this time of year is fish eggs and aquatic bugs. The brown trout and brook trout are still spawning this time of year so there are plenty of fish eggs floating down stream from the redds. A bright orangish-red cotton pompom about ¼ inches in diameter glued onto a #12 barbless hook will catch lots of fish this time of year.

Beadhead nymphs will also catch good trout. The beadhead will provide weight to keep the fly on the bottom as it bounces down with the current. Make sure your casts are in the faster water very, very close to where it meets the slow water.

If the fishing slows down you can always play some fishing games. Striper fishing games are good to pass the time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dry Fly Fishing

One of the most pleasant experiences in life is dry fly fishing on a gently flowing stream in the late afternoon when the sun is low and the shadows are long. Of all the fishing games and experiences a person can have, dry fly fishing is the most heavenly. For those who have never experienced dry fly fishing here is what it is all about.

There are certain times of the year and certain times of the day when bugs lay on the water. The bugs eat and drink smaller life forms and so they are on the surface of the water.

There are other times when aquatic bugs shed their aquatic bodies and now having wings, fly out of the water. Some of the bugs during these hatches sit on the water before flying away.

When either of these two events occur, it is possible to take a dry fly which imitates these bugs and cast it onto the water allowing it to float along the surface. These fish seeing a bug floating on the water will swim up and eat it. Some fish come up under the fly and leap out of the water as they grab the fly. Other fish slowly, with an open mouth sip the fly and swallow it. Either way it is a beautiful site.

When these bug events occur there is usually no wind. It is calm and peaceful, the lack of wind allows you to cast a fly line and place it exactly where you want it.

To keep a dry fly on the surface requires the use of floating fly line and floating leader. The flies are sprayed with an oil or silicone to make sure they float. A lot of dry fly anglers use barbless hooks as well. This makes the ensuring fight fair, doing the least amount of damage.

Some say after you have had a dry fly experience you never go back to bass fishing or striper fishing again.

Fishg, fishgig games, bass gihgk striper fishg.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Late Fall Musky

In the late fall, after the leaves have fallen, the musky begin to stalk their prey in the shallows in a slower manner. Musky, being large carnivorous fish, need to conserve energy. Here are a few tips and techniques for catching some good musky this time of year.

In many ways musky fishing is similar to bass fishing. Many bass fishing techniques will work well for catching musky. In the cold late fall water, musky are looking for the biggest meal they can find. A musky will spend as much energy chasing a small meal, as it will a big meal. Knowing this help you chose your swim bait. This time of year large swim bait that bears the colors of an adult pan fish will be very productive. If you have a swim bait that imitates a wounded pan fish that is even better. Catching a wounded fish is the easiest way to get a good meal.

In some regions the fishing regulations change in the late fall and winter. It is best to check the local rules before you go out fishing.

It is important to remember that musky is a solitary hunter. They stake out an area and stay there if at all possible. The biggest musky will chase off the smaller musky who invade their hunting area. This means that if you catch a large musky, you need to move to a new area. If you catch a small musky it may be in a region where there is a bigger musky, so continue fishing for a little while before moving on to a new location.

If the fishing gets slow you can always use your smart phone to find some free fishing games to play until the fish decide they are hungry.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tastiest Fish to Eat

There are many freshwater and saltwater fish that people catch to eat. Some fish taste better than others, but even those that don’t taste the best can be prepared so they taste good. If you can go fishing here are some of the tastiest fish you can catch in fresh and saltwater.

Among the best tasting fish would have to be salmon. The King Salmon and the Silver Salmon are the best tasting salmon but even the poor quality humpback salmon is not that bad. Preparing the salmon is the key. Salmon should never be overcooked. It is better to error on the raw side than to error on the over done side. This is because salmon is an oily fish and the flavor is in the oil. Over cooking it destroys the oil and the flavor.

Steelhead trout is another great tasting pink meat fish. The taste is very similar to salmon and it should be prepared the same way salmon is prepared.

If you get a chance to go to Florida fishing you can catch some great tasting fish. Florida saltwater fishing will get you some great tasting tuna and dolphin. These have a very sweet meat for a fish. One of the best ways to fix either the tuna or the dolphin is to cut the raw fish into one inch cubes and put them in a bowl. Cover the fish completely with freshly squeezed Florida key limes. Cover the bowl and let it sit for two hours. The acid in the key limes will cook and flavor the fish. Drain off the lime juice and serve or rice or wrap it up in rice paper.

If you go to Florida freshwater fishing you can catch some tilapia. Tilapia is a great tasting white meat. The best way to serve it is to cook it on the grill and baste it with lemon juice and pepper. It is also great as a smoked fish.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Deep Sea Fishing Advice to Catch a Monster

When anglers go to all the time, trouble, and expense of planning and going on a deep sea fishing trip they become very disappointed when all they catch are small fish. At least small by deep sea standards. Most fishing addicts want to catch a fish that outweighs them by several pounds. Here is some helpful advice to be able to catch one of the big monsters of the deep.

Going on your fishing trip at the right time of the year is one of the best pieces of advice. There may be big fish there year around but at certain times of the year each species congregates in a certain place. If you go to Florida fishing there are big blue marlins there only at certain times of the year. If you go at the wrong time you have no chance of catching a monster.

In addition to the right time, you must be in the right place. One of the best ways to ensure you are in the right place is to hire a fishing guide who knows the area. If a guide has caught several large monsters over the past two or three seasons the chance of them putting you in the right area is huge. Whatever they charge, if they have a great recent track record they are worth their weight in gold.

Using the right bait is the next major piece of advice, but determining what is the right bait is the hard part. The guide you hire should be helpful in this area as well. But another way of determining the right bait is to talk to people who are catching fish and see what they are using. If they are catching big fish, even if they aren’t monsters, it is a good indication of what bait you should be using.

With all the necessary information acquired you’re ready to go trolling. A good trolling activity is playing marlin fishing games, which out of all fishing games are some of the most favorite of the online fishing games.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

California Deep Sea Fishing Tips

The deep see fishing off the coast of California is great this time of year. The weather has been nice with only a few storms passing through. Generally, when a cold front moves thorough an area the fishing slows down considerably, but this time of year, the cold fronts move through very quickly and the fishing recovers just as quick.

Just off the California coast the striped bass are plentiful and hard fighting. They are biting well on spoons, crank baits and live baits. The live baits that generally do best are herring.

The blue fin tuna is in the area and they are biting very well. These aggressive fish are plentiful in some regions but scarce in others. Using a good fishing guide is advisable to get the most out of your fishing trip. Some of the guides post fishing videos to show their catches. A couple of these are amazing.

If you happen to be in a slow area, or a cold front is approaching, you can also play some fishing games. Blue fin fishing games, out of all fishing games, are some of the most favorite of the free online fishing games, even more popular than shark fishing games.

The skip jacks have also moved into the water off of the California coast. They are fishing well with live baits as well as crank baits. The average size this year is about two feet and weighs around 10 pounds.

The albacore have arrived as well and the fishing is good for these great tasting fish. They are such a fast swimming fish they always give a fishing fanatic a good time. The albacore are running between 2.5 feet and 3 feet and weighting in around 30 pounds.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tips for Fishing in a River

Rivers are one of the more challenging venues to fish. In the fall rivers are generally at their lowest water levels. The deep holes are not so deep and the shade trees and brush are now high up on the banks. These extreme changes make river fishing one of the most challenging of all the fishing games. Here are a few tips to be successful on a river.

Fish do their best to conserve energy. On a river, that means they won’t be in the fast water if there is slow water available. Generally the fish will be looking for the deeper water or other places where the currant is slow. Rocks, trees, limbs and other obstructions create pockets of slow water. If you cast your line in the river above these objects and allow the bait or lure to drift down and through the calm water, you have a better chance of catching fish.

Most fish don’t like to be in direct sunlight. They prefer shady areas. Look along the banks for bushes or trees that cast shadows on the water or are even growing in the water. These underwater roots and twigs slow down the current as well as provide shade. Fish love to sit around in these areas and wait for food to drift by. If it drifts by close enough they will dash out into the current, bite the food and return back to the protection of the bushes, all about as quick as you can blink your eye.

Look carefully at branches that hang over the water. If there are bugs or flies or caterpillars on the branches there is no doubt that the fish will be eating them. Put one on a hook and let it drift under the branch.

You may find that this is the most fun of all fishing games, even the online fishing games.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Musky Fishing Essentials

Fishing for musky is very intense. Musky’s also known as muskellunge is a big strong predator that is very mean looking and full of fight. Here are a few things you need to know to be successful in hooking and landing one.

The musky’s mouth is long, going back as far as the middle of its eyes. It is also like a duck’s bill but full of sharp teeth. This means that you need to use steel leader to prevent the fish from biting off the line. It also means you need to use a larger fishing hook size and hook that is very sharp.

Muskie’s are usually solitary hunters that tend to stay in the same area. They are also large fish. Most muskies caught are in 7 to 15 pound range and two to three feet long. It is not uncommon to hook a 20 pounder, which means you need to fish with heavy fishing line and a heavy duty rod and reel. The bait casting style of reel is the most popular for musky fishing.

Musky’s generally like to hunt in shallow, heavily vegetated areas that are less than 40 feet deep. They rarely leave these areas. They swim though the dense vegetation looking for their prey. If there is a shortage of food in these areas they have been known to inhabit deep water that lacks vegetation, but only if there is abundance of prey. A good set of fishing maps will help you locate the areas in a lake where you will find musky’s.

Bag limits and possession limits vary from lake to lake, so are sure and check the fishing regulations for the area you want to fish.

Musky fishing games, out of all fishing games, are some of the most favorite of the online fishing games.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Deep See Fishing Equipment

It seems that every method of fishing has its own specialized equipment; but then isn’t that what makes it more fun? Deep sea fishing, like all fishing games requires its own equipment because of the nature of the fish and the environment where they live. Here are some of the important components.

The deep sea fishing rod is a heavy duty rod. They are usually short, only about 5.5 to 6.5 feet long. It takes a lot to bend one of these rods, but there are many fish in the sea capable of bending and even breaking these rods. A wild 1200 pound Blue marlin has the ability to damage almost anything.

The deep sea fishing reel must also have some unique characteristics. It must hold a few hundred yards of heavy weight line. In the ocean a fish may run for miles. The boat should be able to keep up with the fish, but sometimes fish move faster and change directions quicker than a boat. The reel must be able to apply many pounds of drag in order to tire out these strong fish. Using mechanical advantage is the only way to land a fish that is five times bigger than you are.

Deep sea fishing requires the use of a large fish hook size. Big fish, with big mouths, need big strong hooks. Live baits are also large to attract the fish’s attention.

The best fish lures are those that are good sized and brightly colored. They also must have a good action in the water to encourage the fish to chase it. A large assortment of size, shapes, and colors will help when the fish decide to be fickle.

There are some days when the fish are so fickle that nothing will make them strike. These are the days to enjoy the boat ride and play online fishing games.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Boat Winter Maintenance

When winter rolls around and the lake freezes over or it gets too cold to fish out of a boat, its time to put the boat up. But don’t just sit around playing online fishing games; this is the perfect time to get your boat ready for next spring. Here are a few things you can do so you don’t have mechanical down time when you should be out fishing.

The first thing you should do is change the oil in your boat motor. Clean oil helps keep your motor running clean and smooth. Also replace the oil filter, if it has one. Then replace the fuel filter and drain the fuel tank. Plugged filters only cause headaches.

Make sure the propeller is in good condition and the nut holding it on is tight. Next replace the spark plug. It may last longer than one year but why chance it. For winter storage take out the battery or batteries if you have a separate one for trolling. Store the battery in a warm place on a piece of wood. Never story a battery on concrete or dirt.

Go over the outside of the boats hull and repair any nicks or dings. Auto body putty works well or any other epoxy based filler. Then go over every nut and make sure it’s tight. If it’s loose make a note to check it in the middle of next summer to see if it’s still tight or if there is some sort of problem.

If you thought about adding any new toys to your boat this is the perfect time. You may consider installing a Blue Ray DVD player so you can watch fishing videos or movies when the fishing slows. You may even consider installing a Wii system so you can play all fishing games that are available.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tips for Fishing in the City

Those fishing fanatics who want to fish every free moment of every day sometimes get frustrated. Life and commitments won’t allow them to leave the city and go out to their favorite lake or river; however, there are plenty of lakes and ponds that are full of fish because people don’t consider fishing in them. Here are some tips for fishing in the city.

First check the local park fishing regulations to see if there are any special rules. Sometimes cities have their own fishing rules that apply in addition to the state regulations. If you can speak to a park ranger or a person in the parks department you can get an idea of what kind of fish have been stocked and how often the lake has been stocked. After you have discovered this information a trip to the local bait and tackle shop can teach you want kind of bait most people use. If you fly fish, they can also tell you what flies are effective. They may even have fishing maps so you can learn the terrain of the lake.

Armed with this information, get your gear and go fishing on your lunch or you can take a walk around the lake and survey the sights. If the fishing is worth it at all someone or several someone's will be fishing. Stop off and ask these folks about the fishing. They can give you more information. Ask them how often they fish, what they catch and what they use for bait. Then, just for fun, ask them for some spring bass fishing tips.

Now you’re ready to fish. But if the fish aren’t biting, there is always some excitement to be found playing online fishing games. Fishing games can give you the thrill you’re looking for when you can’t get to the water.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Where to Locate Bass in fall

Fall Bass fishing is some of the best Bass fishing. The cooler temperatures activate their systems and they need to eat more often. This is wonderful for the fishing enthusiast, but hard on the Bass. Here are a few places you can find Bass this time of year.

The large mouth Bass this time of year are spending most of their day in the shallow warm water. The sun warms these areas faster and creates the ideal temperature. In these shallow water areas there is also a lot of food.

Bass like to hide out and locate their meals. The Chad that feed on the aquatic plants is moving through the grassy weedy areas. Bass are looking for places to hide in these areas. Bass love to hide behind rocks, in fallen submerged trees, in tree roots, and other places they can find. These areas can be hard to cast too, but the best fishing lures are weed less which helps.

It is also helpful to buy fishing maps of the lake where you choose to fish. These maps help you locate the good hiding places.

Another helpful tool is the fish finder. Bass are solitary hunters. When you find a single fish in an area full of downed timber or where there are lots of roots it will most likely be a Bass.

In lakes where there isn’t any good cover Bass are forced to chase down their prey. They do their best hunting by staying at different depth than their prey. Once they spot their food they raise up or down to get them.

Fishing for Bass is one of the fun parts of fishing. It is a game, maybe the most fun of all fishing games. But if the day is slow and you aren’t doing well, try playing some online fishing games.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bass Fishing Equipment

Bass fishing is one of the most fun and interesting hobbies. If you have never been Bass fishing you owe it to yourself to try it out. However, like all fishing games, it does require some equipment you may not have. Here are some of the items you’ll need.

First you need a rod and reel. There are two primary styles of reels, a bait casting reel and a spinning reel. Most of the Bass fishing is done with bait casting reels. It is a heavy duty reel. It holds a heavy weight line and allows you to put many pounds of drag on the line to tire out the fish quickly.

A spinning reel is a light weight reel. It generally uses lighter line and puts less drag on the line. However, the spinning reel requires more skill and finesse. You can’t just muscle in the fish. You must play him, fight him. You pit your skills against the fish’s response.

After you decide which reel you want to fish with you must decide which rod to get. The bait casting reel fits on a bait casting rod and a spinning reel fits on a spinning rod. However, most manufactures make a bait casting and a spin casting rod for each type of rod they make.

Next you will need an assortment of sinkers and hooks. One of the better sinkers is the Strike King Tour grade Tungsten weights. They come in black or green pumpkin colors and from 1/8 oz to 1 ¼ oz to meet all your needs.

There are several great hook manufactures, but Gamakatsu makes some great weed-less hooks. Weed less hooks are really great at preventing snags while fishing in the weeds and grass. They also come in several sizes so you can always use the right fish hook size.

If you watch a person fishing on a Bass fishing video you’ll get a feel for what equipment you will need.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Odd Ways to Fish

There is a saying that necessity is the mother of invention. This holds true in fishing as well, as a result, there are many odd ways of fishing. Most of these methods have been dreamed up for people who are fishing for food, or who enjoy fishing games.

It is important when you decide to try an odd way of fishing that you check the local fishing regulations first. Game wardens are not impressed with creativity.

In the south, jug fishing is popular. Tie a ten foot line with a weight and hook, onto an empty gallon milk jug. This makes a good fishing rig. If you paddle out in a canoe or flat bottom boat you can fish with 20 or so jugs all thrown out around the boat.

When a fish takes the bait the jug will start to move away. All you have to do is chase it with the boat and grab the handle of the jug. To real it in, hold the handle and wrap the line around the jug. Jug fishing at night is a fun pastime. If fishing is slow you can always play online fishing games.

Another odd way of fishing is fishing by hand. Catfish noodling is another example of such fishing.

Fishing for Buffalo fish by hand is quite the challenge. It is doable mainly in shallow rivers by standing in the water with your feet spread apart, bent over, and your hands in the water between your legs. Along the bottom of the river, pour a can of corn between your legs. When the fish come to eat, grab them by the gills.

Another odd way to fish is with a bow and arrow. You can mount a fishing reel on the front of the bow. Next tie the line to the back of the arrow. You can fish in shallow lakes and river for Catfish, Carp, and Buffalo fish. When you see one you shoot it with the arrow and then reel it in.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Massive Fish Kills Nature or Concern

This year there have been a large number of massive fish kills occurring all over the world. It seems every month or so we read about another huge number of fish dying for no apparent reason.

There was a report of the death of thousands of fish in LakeMichigan. There were many different species all at once. It was laterdetermined it was the VHS virus.

Then there was an enormous fish kill at the mouth of the Mississippi river resulting in acres of dead fish of all species. It was first attributed to the BP disaster, but was later determined to be caused by low tides and high temperatures resulting in a lack of oxygen.

In southern California millions of dead sardines filled a harbor. It was a stinking mess and a huge loss of natural resources. This too was blamed on lack of oxygen.

Up in the ChesapeakeBay there was the death of millions of croakers, another huge loss. This was blamed on a fast drop in water temperature resulting in stress and death.

At first glance these fish kills look like they are cause by natural events. In nature sometimes adverse conditions make disastrous results. But when you look closer at the causes of the deaths, another story appears.

The VHS virus, the fish equivalent of the Ebola virus had to be transmitted by something. It seems an ocean going vessel brought the virus to the lake.

The fish that died of lack of oxygen died in areas where man has not been kind to the environment. Likewise with the temperature changes, man is destroying the environment resulting in some strange environmental changes which result in deaths in fish and other inhabitants of the earth.

If man doesn’t change his ways, fishing as we know it may be done. Therewon’t be fishing contest. The only fish many will see will be on fishing videos and online fishing games.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Walleye Fishing Gear Essentials

Fishing for walleye can be a fabulously fun experience. They fight and run and dive making it quite a fun fishing game. However, because of their nature, you need to have the right fishing gear. Here are some of the essential gear you need to be successful.

The first thing you need is a good strong rod. The Abu Garcia Veritas rods are exactly what is needed for walleye. These light-weight rods made from graphite Nano technologies are super strong but very light weight.

The Veritas rods come in moderate fast, fast, and extra fast action depending on your preference. They are made to handle heavy line, up to 25 pound test, and have titanium ally guides with premium SIC inserts. They also have strong secure reel seats that can withstand serious pressure.

Next you need a reel, a strong dependable reel. The Shimano Cardiff is just the right reel. It has four ball bearings plus one roller bearing for a smooth retrieval. It is made with a die-cast aluminum frame and aluminum spool that holds 250 yards of 14 pound test line. The Cardiff is also equipped with anti-reverse and a variable brake system so you don’t lose your fish.

Strong fishing line is the next thing you’ll need and Spider Wire Stealth Braid is made for the job. A 15 pound test line made with Teflon pressure treatment will hold on to any walleye you can hook.

A walleyes favorite meal is the yellow perch and one of the best fishing lures is the Jackal Giron jointed Tan fish swim bait in the RT Ghost Bluegill coloring. The coloring and shape resemble a sick or wounded fish and the walleye can’t pass them up.

You also need to bring your smart phone so you can call your friends when you catch a big one or play online fishing games, especially shark fishing games if the action is too slow.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

International Fishing Spots-Amazon

The world is huge and water covers almost 3/4 of it. One of the largest fresh water fishing rivers is the Amazon River. The amazon is the second largest river in the world with only the Nile being longer. But, unlike the Nile, the Amazon is navigable with ocean going vessels for 3000 miles. This makes it possible to have an amazing fishing adventure.

The mouth of the amazon is huge. It forms an estuary that is 150 miles wide. This estuary dumps between 9 million and 32 million gallons of water per second until the Atlantic. It also dumps tons of silt which forms islands. One island, Marajo Island, has an area of 14000 square miles.

The fishing is excellent all up and down the amazon. There are well over a 1000 different species found in the river. Some of the fish are crazy man eaters like the red bellied piranha.

Some of the fish are huge. The largest known fresh water fish is the Pirarucu. It can grow to 15 feet and weight over 400 pounds. The Pirarucu is a type of boney tongue fish. It is huge, long, heavily bodied with giant scales. It has long dorsal fin and anal fins on the back half of its body. This makes it a powerful swimmer that can chase and eat other fish. It also makes a spectacular fish to catch. On top of that, it tastes wonderful.

A unique type of piranha is the Tambaqui. The Tambaqui only eat plants, leaves, fruits and seeds. It is a good fighting fish that is about three feet long and weighs 60 pounds.

To get a good idea of the amazing Amazon fishing, watch a fishing video. A video will show you the various fish and fishing styles. If you enjoy fly fishing and fly tying, fishing for the peacock bass is incredible.

There are also several online fishing games that highlight fishing on the amazon.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ledgering is a straightforward style of bottom fishing. It requires a sensitive 12-foot(minimum) rod and a small to medium sized reel, a weight, swivel and various hook sizes.Bait feeders can also be used as the weight and many competitive anglers use this method in fishing contests around the world.

The idea of the ledger rig is to allow for sensitivity, in that as soon as the fish lifts the bait the line passes thru the weight and the bite can be felt, seen, or heard. The latter if you use electronic bite indicators.

The rod has to be long, sensitive and flexible enough to cast accurately as well as play the fish. Swing tip rods and feeder rods are dedicated ledger rods. Unless you are going after easily available species with the kids, then avoid using a normal spinning rod.

Light line is paramount when ledgering and the line between the swivel and your main line is much the same as a tippet on a fly line. Keep it as light as you can, even as low as one pound. Obviously, if you plan on ledgering for pike or muskie, then trace wire will be needed at a good length from the weight; at least half a meter. Ledgering for pike will also require a larger more powerful rod for heavy fish and arduous battles.

Rod stands are essential for ledgering. A couple of branches with a Y cut may serve you well when you are ten years old, but the proper stands allow the line to run thru and hold the rod steady.

Most ledgering only requires small fishing hooks around sizes16 to 22.

Baits range from small worms to colored maggots, single pieces of sweetcorn.

A long handled landing net is always useful when ledgering.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fly Types and Where/When to Use

Fly fishing is both an art and a science. Laying out a perfect cast in exactly the right place, and tying a fly that is the perfect imitation of the real one are examples of the art side. Knowing where the fish are and what fly to use is part of the science side. Here are some tips on using the right fly.

One of the simplest ways of determining what fly to use is to look along the banks of the river. The bugs that live along the bank will eventually fall in the river and be eaten. When looking for bugs look on the ground, in the bushes, and in the trees.

Fish are sensitive to shape, color and size, so using a fly that is an exact imitation of the real bug is important. Having a wide selection of flies in your box is the key to success. Some people even bring their vice and fly tying materials with them. Then after observing what bugs are around, they tie a few to mimic what they have found. It is important to start with the right fish hook size to insure the bug is the correct size.

Fish will eat beetles, ants, grasshoppers, and almost any little thing that crawls, hops or flies. They also eat aquatic bugs. To figure out what aquatic bugs the fish are eating you will need a fine seine and seine the river in a few places. By seining the river, you find all the bugs living there and the shells of the bugs that have hatched. Armed with this information, you’re ready to go to your fly box for your vice.

Another good way to learn exactly how to seine and what you are looking for is to watch a fishing video on the subject. A good video is a fast way to learn. There are even some online fishing games that may help you learn.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Salmon Fishing

The questions, when do salmon run, and do they run in the fall, are asked when fall begins changing the leaves. Salmon do run in the fall and fall fishing for salmon is a fabulous experience for those who fancy fishing the lakes and the northeast rivers. The Atlantic salmon and their landlocked relatives, the Sebago Salmon is the primary salmon that run in the fall.

Every fall the Atlantic salmon leaves the ocean and travel up the rivers and streams to where they were hatched. When they arrive they spawn and then start feeding to regain their strength. Atlantic salmon, unlike Pacific salmon, don’t die after spawning. This offers some wonderful fishing opportunities.

The Atlantic salmon will strike at a number of different flies and lures. This gives you your options of choosing your favorite style of fishing. If it is a slow day, try some of the online fishing games.

The Sabago salmon live in lakes from New Hampshire to New Brunswick. Like the Atlantic salmon they spawn in the fall and don’t die. These landlocked salmon, while smaller than the Atlantic salmon, are still pound for pound a good fighter.

Using artificial salmon eggs will catch lots of fish. Any style of artificial salmon eggs will be effective. They aren’t picky at this time of year, just hungry.

Another landlocked salmon that spawns in the fall is the Kokanee salmon. These fish are related to the Sockeye. After they spawn, they die.

The Kokanee are found in many cold water lakes throughout North America. One of the more popular methods of catching these fish is by snagging. A large weighted treble hook is used to drag the bottom of the lake in the spawning beds. Before using this method, you should check local fishing regulations to make sure its legal.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Prep for an International Fishing Trip

Fishing and traveling are two wonderful hobbies. When you combine them with an international destination you have the ultimate vacation. If you have never done an international fishing expedition you may not know how or where to begin. Here are a few suggesting on how to get started.

Advanced planning is very important. Starting a year or two ahead of time is not unreasonable. It takes time to get everything coordinated and to determine the best week of fishing.

One of the first things is to check the requirements for travel in the country where you want to fish. Find out if you need a passport or a visa or some other document to travel in the country. Then get these documents in order.

If you are going to spend the money for a trip you might as well hire a guide. It is important for a guide to be fluent in your native language. Good communication is important when retaining personal services, especially in a foreign country. Even if you speak with the guide on the telephone, follow up everything with writing. Clarify what will be provided and what you will have to provide. Confirm all prices and deposits in writing.

A good guide will be able to tell you which week of the year will offer the best fishing. Sometimes weather may change and ruin the best laid plans but an experienced guild will keep you informed.

Ask to see his fishing video’s to get an idea of what to expect.

A guide can also help you with lodging suggestions. Ask him where most of his foreign clients stay. Then explore the internet for other places to stay and contact them. Make sure there is internet access so you can play online fishing games or other fishing games. Then decide which one will meet your needs.

Purchasing your airline ticket will be your final step and commitment. Watch the fares as they may change during peak times. Watching the prices for several months will help you get the best price possible.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tying Your Own Fly

There are several degrees of fly fishing enthusiasts. There are those who fish often, those who fish with the finest equipment, those who fish with old bamboo, and those that tie their own flies. Fly tying is a true combination of art and science.

There is something very satisfying about learning about the bugs fish eat and then being able to replicate them as a fishing fly. For some people tying flies comes natural and easy. For others it is much more difficult. An easy way to see what is involved is to watch a fishing video of fly tying. Most videos show the basics of materials and equipment.

There is not a lot of equipment required to tie flies. The vice is the basic tool. It holds the hook at many different angles so you can see and manipulate the fly. Another tool is the thread feeder. This tool feeds out the thread in an even manner so your fly is neat and the wraps of the thread are laid out perfectly.

Another important tool is a pair of pointed long handled tweezers or hemostats. They are used to hold the material while you wrap the thread around. You will also need a small pair of long handled scissors to cut the thread and material.

After you have the basic equipment you will need materials. The list of materials depends on where you live and what you will be fishing for, but the common material is the hook. However, even hooks are different in sizes, styles, and shapes. The hooks used for little brook trout are much different than hooks used for bonefish. Using the right fish hook size is very important.

Learning to tie your own flies is a fun part of the fishing game. It’s a different thrill than online fishing games, but it may be the most fun of all fishing games.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Catfish Fishing Gear Essentials

Have you been playing online fishing games but have actually not been fishing? Catfish fishing is a good way to start fishing, especially if you’re looking for a way to spend a leisurely day on a river or pond. Here are the essential basics you need to have a successful day of fishing for catfish.

First, you need to find a place where there are catfish. The easiest way to do this is to ask someone. The person behind the counter of your local tackle shop is a good place to start. Most of the time these people will know exactly where to find fish.

Next you’ll need a good sturdy rod and reel. If your just starting out there no sense in spending a lot of money on fishing equipment. Zebco and Shakespeare both make good rod and reel combinations that are sturdy and strong, but not expensive. Chose the one with 10-12 pound test line already loaded on the reel.

After the rod and reel, you’ll need fishing hooks. There are many different fish hook sizes. Buy number four or number two size fishing hooks.

Catfish spend most of their time on the bottom of the river or pond. You need lead sinker weights to get the hook down where the fish are. When you rig up your line put the hook on the bottom of your line and tie the weight on about a foot above the hook.

Now you need bait. Catfish like to eat nasty, stinky things. Try raw chicken or beef liver that has sat out in the sun for a day or two or you can even use old hamburger or stale donuts. Whatever you use put enough on the hook to completely cover the hook.

After baiting the hook, cast it out into the water and wait for the lead to sink to the bottom. When the line stops, reel up the slack until the line is taut. Now wait for the fish to bite. With this equipment and knowledge you’ll be ready to enter fishing contests.